Export info, Packaging, and More
We are always open and receptive to explore new export opportunities.
Duckwall Fruit has many long-lasting and loyal relationships around the world. The world recognizes the Duckwall label for consistent quality that translates into customer satisfaction. The Duckwall reputation allows us entrée into many foreign markets and our quality pack assures excellent condition on arrival in the country of destination.
Each pear variety has its own character defined by a unique flavor and appearance. Pears, in general, retain their identity as a fruit set apart from other fruits in that all fully ripe pears are sweet, smooth textured and exhibit a completely distinctive “pear flavor,” aroma, and texture. Grown in the Hood River Valley, Duckwall Fruit packed pears benefit from the outstanding local growing conditions and exhibit a subtle and unique flavor. If you would like to learn more about pear topics such as nutrition, recipes, and other tidbits, please visit www.usapears.org.


Seckels are tiny pears, with a chubby, round body, small neck and short stem. Seckels are the smallest of all commercially grown pears. They are so sweet that they are sometimes called sugar pears.





Comice (pronounced ko-MEESE) appear in all sizes, but their shape is unique among varieties; having a rotund body with a very short, well-defined neck. They are most often green in color, and sometimes have a red blush covering small to large areas of the skin surface. The succulent, buttery, and exceptionally sweet Comice can grow to be very large, and the jumbo-sized beauties are often the ones that appear in gift boxes. They are in season from September – February.


Duckwall history was rooted in packing apples, pears and cherries. Over time our primary focus shifted to pears. However, things are always evolving and changing, and we are now proud to be able to offer apples again from a different approach and objective. This renewed focus is to supply our valued customers with apples tailored to customer needs and complement each customer’s pear program. Packing in specialized apple facilities, under our supervision and final inspection, we are proud to propel strategic programs to meet your needs.
Duckwall Fruit is licensed to export Cosmic Crisp®!

Vibrant Flavor. 20 years in the making. Cosmic Crisp®!
Duckwall Fruit provides pears in a variety of packages. If you prefer a package not pictured here, please consult the Sales Team – it is very likely that your preferred pack – or custom pack – is available.